It pains me to admit but I’ve watched a couple full seasons of the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Willingly. Without a girlfriend. And with a glass of wine. And freshly painted finger nails. Yep, but in my defense, it wasn’t because I believed in the concept: finding a life partner after 6 weeks, all while one of them is banging the entire cast, producers, and definitely that hunky host Chris Harrison.
I watched it because it made me more confident in my ability to converse with the opposite sex. These ‘hot’ guys have likely always been hot, so cultivating a personality has been an unnecessary means of survival. So, watching them crash and burn on national television while I scroll through Pinterest is edge-of-your-seat entertainment.In any event, one thing that it prevalent in each and every season of the show is its glaring lack of diversity. Sure, they’ll cast a black person, but she will be gone before she gets out of the limo. Like that old MTV show ‘Next.’ But, after 15 years and 21 seasons, ABC has announced its first black Bachelorette: Rachel Lindsay, 31, a Texas lawyer and popular contestant on the current season of The Bachelor. SNL imagined how the hollow-headed jocks would approach vying for a black girl’s heart and it’s funny. It’s funny because it’s true.
[h/t Uproxx]